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We are strong and confident friends, you and I...

I will always thank God...

...for bringing you to me in such a round-about way, with such good results!
One God but no church. Yes. And reasonable, constructive, and loving
thoughts and feelings toward others of every kind and color. I simply
love and am intensely interested in "people". I meet so many people on
the streets and in the bus that I would never meet at all if I were driving
down the street in a car. That is one of the main reasons I persist in
walking and bussing, so that I can meet new people all the time and ask
them about their life. It has an especially beneficial effect on me, you
see. It makes me feel like a part of life, and not just an isolated old
woman who is useless and falling apart.
Thank you so much for your continued support and friendship!
Many blessings for you and your family

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